Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Effort and the Plan


This is something that I've always wanted to do but never got around to doing it. It's easy to dream but the hard part is actually making the effort.

This is my effort.

I want to tell the world a story and as of right now the story is right at the beginning; this is the prologue, the part that everyone skips or skims through. But bear with me, changes have been made, and its a matter of time before I make the effort.

How does an author write a story? It starts with an idea, and then they make it happen.

So whats my crazy idea?

Drop everything and go. Just go.

And it sounds beautiful and absolute when I say it; it leaps from my teeth like a leopard, it flies from my fingers as a flock of birds would, finally ready to go home. It feels like a great release of pressure and expectations.

I am no longer a child of this world of Monday-Friday, of 9-5, of get a job a home a family a pension. I want to put some kilometers and experiences behind me as I look for my reason to be present here and I want to thrive.


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for your life! i'm glad you had this realization and i hope you make the most of it. <3

p.s. congrats on your first blog!

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